Monday, September 5, 2011

About Us

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Redawn Events is slowly and elegantly carving a name for itself in the Wedding Industry. Founded by the charismatic Aaronessa “ Ness” Mangubat, what started out as a hobby turned out to be a calling. Ness, with her ready smile and genuine love for people has been helping couples all over put together the most dream like of weddings no matter what the budget. Ness makes sure that every single thing on the couples’ wish list is perfectly executed. And she does it with meticulous attention to details, boundless creativity, resourcefulness and composure- traits that makes her a magnet for even the most demanding of brides and budget conscious couples. Traits that make her endearing to everyone she meets.

Since it’s inception in 2007, Redawn Events has organized more than 80 weddings to date and its clientele is still growing. Looking back, Ness fondly recalls her first wedding event- a romantic and elegant church wedding that she did for her dear friend, Jeanette- an event that demanded Ness to organize a wedding in less than three months. The wedding was a huge success and it paved the way for the right opportunity to come knocking at a perfect timing- Redawn Events got the attention of several Weddings at Work brides (, eventually gained their trust and the rest, as they say, is beautiful history. (One that Ness never fails to look back on gratefully) Asked what motivated her to put up Redawn Events in the first place, she says "first and foremost, I just wanted to provide quality work, to make sure that I am using my creative energies and talent to please God. With this in mind, everything else seems to flow effortlessly. The universe cooperates. This is not to say that we are without problems, but with this mind set, people, things and events  mysteriously move together to make everything perfect. It’s like we’re being guided by an invisible hand. I also make sure that when plan A is not accessible, I have a plan B, C, D, E, and F handy. Being a wedding planner is my dream job and I’m grateful that I get to do what I love. The best part is that I still have time to take care of my son."She adds.  Asked about the keys to Redawn’s success and Ness replies without missing a beat, "It’s team work and passion, even if I have super powers, I know that I can’t do it alone. I need to be surrounded by a team that I trust and depend on. My team is composed of passionate people that I enjoy working with and somehow, work doesn’t feel like work, work feels like serious, solemn play. We’re very professional but at the end of the day, we still know how to party. We hang out and have fun together.  My team is composed of my sister Dewi and friends: Aila, Jen, Jian, Jun, Juvy, Margot and Murrey."

 Ness sips her Kopiroti Tea, curiously eyes her artfully arranged sandwich. she looks up and says “ I also make it a point to live up to what my Dad instilled in me-  Hardwork,  Integrity and Sincerity  these are the values that contribute to Redawn’s Success as well.  In between sips of my Coke and bites of Churros,  I ask her  if she sometimes feels like a fairy godmother in her line of work and she smiles and says,  I don’t think I’m a fairy godmother, I’m more of a guardian angel cause I still need input from the couple. A wedding has to be personal and tailor fit for them. I just guide and give professional insight. Being a wedding planner also requires you to reassure and calm the couple on the big day itself.”



Redawn Events © 2011