Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Jericho and Michelle

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August 8, 2008
Church: San Vicente de Paul
Reception: Heritage Hotel
Couture/Designer: Antonio Lopez
Some photos courtesy of: Phases N' Faces (the official Photographer)
Hair and Make up by Butterfly

This wedding marked the day I saw 2 brides at the lobby of a hotel. One was leaving for the church while the other just arrived for the reception. How I wanted to grab my camera and take a shot of that scenario. But I was busy looking for the bridal car at that time (which was at large) so I just took a quick shot in my mind. I know I will be going back to that memory ever so often.
How fascinating that day was.

This was an extra special occasion because the bride was my first cousin at ang motif pa favorite colors ko since I was young. Yellow and green. Ano ang koneksyon? Wala lang. I just thought I insert that little info. Haha.
Echo and Mitch worked overseas so almost everything was thru email. Mitch's parents are based in Tacloban while Echo's parents are based in Tarlac. Talk about long distance! Challenging di ba?
With God's guidance everything pulled thru nicely. Hindi naiiwasan may mga konting sablay but the real challenge is to let go and let God. I think doon ako bumilib kay Echo and Mitch. They wanted to enjoy their wedding day and they did not let anything or anyone rain on their parade. It is really the couple that makes the wedding special. May dance step pa sila sa grand entrance. Tuwang-tuwa ang mga guests.
I'm very happy and grateful I was part of their wedding. One I will always remember.

To Mitch and Echo, you have the makings of a great marriage. You are quite lucky to have found each other. Always keep that love and respect that I see in you both. May God bless you with wonderful children and a lifetime of happiness!
Love you!



Redawn Events © 2011